Inform USA Surveys

Posted By: Sarah Pottelberg Industry News,

2024 Salary Survey

Inform USA is collecting data for the 2024 Salary Survey. The resulting report will provide information about the compensation and benefits for key positions in Information and Referral (I&R) programs across the US and Canada.

We strongly recommend that this survey be completed by someone at the executive director level or with access to current payroll and benefits information. Please submit only one response per organization.

All the information you provide will be kept strictly confidential and will be reported only in aggregate. Agencies that submit a completed survey will receive a FREE copy of the Salary Survey when it is published (a $74.99 value with member pricing). The survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. This small investment in time provides critical data to move the sector forward by advocating for the funding and resources necessary for I&R programs.

You can download a PDF version if you would like to review the questions beforehand or need to collect information from several individuals in your organization. 

United States Salary Survey  - PDF version

Canadian Salary Survey - PDF version

United States Salary Survey

Canadian Salary Survey

Job Satisfaction

This year, Inform USA has created a job satisfaction survey as a companion to the salary survey. Please take 3 minutes to tell us how you feel about your work in the field if Information and Referral (I&R). All responses are completely anonymous.

United States Job Satisfaction Survey

Canadian Job Satisfaction Survey

If you have any questions or issues accessing the survey, please reach out to