State Advisory Committee Representatives

Inform USA Programs,

Meet The Representatives!

We are thrilled to announce the formation of the State Advisory Committee (SAC), an exciting new initiative designed to elevate the work of Inform USA member organizations across the United States.

In addition to providing support, guidance, and feedback to the Inform USA Board of Directors on critical issues, the SAC will play an integral role in the Inform USA Grant Program, which launches in June. 

These are the SAC Representatives by state:

 Alaska  Ashley Peltier Mat-Su Health Foundation  I&R non-211
 California  Roderick Gabriel 211 San Diego  211
 Colorado  Monica Heredia-Corona Mile High United Way  211
 Connecticut  Annette Buckley United Way of Connecticut/2-1-1  211
 Florida  Tori Greer Florida 211
 Leith Lavery-Barcaly Advantage Aging Solutions
 Illinois  Chris Fulton Age Smart  Aging
 Roy Curiale 211 Metro Chicago  211
 Iowa  Athena Nicholls Connections Area Agency on Aging  Aging
 Kentucky  Scott Jeffery United Way of the Bluegrass   211
 Louisiana  Edie Aymond 232-Help/Louisiana 211   211
 Maryland  Tanya Brown 211 Maryland United Way of Central Maryland  211
 Michigan  Jennie Pollak Michigan 211  211
 Crystal Hood Detroit AAA  Aging
 Mississippi  Delicia Harrison Central Mississippi Planning and Development District  Aging
 Missouri  Amanda Crabtree St. Louis Area Agency on Aging  Aging
 Nebraska  Jamesena (Jamie) Moore
 Myria Ming United Way of the Midlands  211
 New York  Deborah Turner Goodwill of the Finger Lakes   211
 North Carolina  Sheritta Davidson Epilepsy Foundation of America  Disabilities
 Oklahoma  Wes Mitchell 211 Eastern Oklahoma-Tulsa Area United Way   211
 Janet Bowen Eastern Oklahoma Development District Area Agency on Aging  Aging
 Ohio  Teresa (Terry) Carter Mansfield Richland County Public Library  211
 Pennsylvania  Jennifer (Jen) Palmer PA 211 Southwest   211
 Justin LeWinter Macedonia FACE   Aging
 Rhode Island  Seileak Huoth United Way of Rhode Island   211
 South Carolina  Shelia Bell-Ford Central Midlands Council of Governments  I&R non-211
 South Dakota  Jennifer Gant Dakota at Home  Aging
 Texas  Siena Lindemann AAA of the Capitol Region  Aging
   Janell Menahem 211 Texas Panhandle United Way Helpline/United Way of Amarillo & Canyon  211
 Vermont  Diana French Age Well  Aging
 Virginia  Nanette Relave ADvancing States  Aging / Other
 Washington  Hannah Newton Crisis Connections  211
 Stacy Malone Miller Northwest Regional Council Area Agency on Aging  Aging
 Wisconsin  Susan Roknic Kenosha Human Development Services  I&R non-211
 Ru Ance Lu Gundersen Health System   211

Are you interested in representing your state at the national level?

We will be holding an information session at the Sun, Surf & Sessions conference in May and will reopen nominations on May 14, 2025.

Criteria for Nominations:

  • Nominees must be Platinum Members (through their employer) of good standing for at least one year before nomination.

  • Nominees must be permanent residents of the state wish to represent.

  • SAC members should represent agencies interested in state—or federal-level advocacy for Information and Referral (I&R).

  • Each state may have up to three representatives, provided each works in a distinct field within I&R (e.g., Military, 211, Aging, Disability, etc.).

  • States previously represented by affiliates may have their affiliate chairperson fill one of the available seats. However, they will still need to submit a nomination.


  • Members must commit to attending quarterly virtual meetings.

  • SAC members serve a maximum of two consecutive two-year terms, with members appointed from former affiliate leaders initially serving one-year terms to allow for staggered membership.

  • SAC members will review Inform USA grant and scholarship applications and determine awardees through electronic voting.

  • SAC members will regularly provide updates on behalf of their state via electronic submissions and virtual meetings, focusing on sector-level priorities.