Inform USA now offering Call Evaluations!

Inform USA Programs,

Inform USA is excited to now offer Call Evaluations! 

Do you wish you had a way to enhance your contact centers' service delivery? 

Now you can through our call evaluation which can help 

  • Ensure compliance with Standards

  • Provide Quantitative and qualitative scoring

  • Identify training needs

  • Help set performance benchmarks

  • Improve customer experience

  • Raise specialists' performance

  • Gain actionable insights from industry experts

Call handling is the heart of what we do as information and referral/assessment organizations. However, sometimes organizations do not have the internal capacity to monitor the quality / performance. 

For organizations wishing to go through the process, 10 anonymous calls would be placed to your organization, with the ability to call and leave a message. Those calls are scored using the “Call Monitoring Feedback Form”. Then, an industry expert from Inform USA would verify the scoring using the “Inform USA_CallCalibration Scale”, and provide feedback including strengths, and suggestions for improvement. 

Typically, the process takes about 1.5 months from start to finish. 

Product Pricing: 

  • $849 for members 

  • $995 for non-members 

Click here to order your Call Evaluation today!