Inform USA Committee/Commission FAQ

Posted By: Sarah Pottelberg Inform USA Programs,

What is the time commitment?
Committees and Commissions meet virtually, 6-12 times a year for about an hour. The meetings are generally scheduled for the year so that you can build them into your calendar.  Occasionally, time outside of the meetings is needed (Meeting prep, ‘homework’, sub-committee work), but that does not typically extend beyond 1-2 hours per month.

How long do I have to stay on the committee?
Members serve for a year with the option to renew.

Is there any compensation?
All roles are on a volunteer basis.

How do I join?
Active recruitment begins in the fall of each year. Watch the Networker and the Newsletter for an announcement and a form to complete to express your interest.

To serve on a committee your or your organization must be a member in good standing. Inform USA strives to have balanced representation on each committee and everyone is encouraged to apply.

What if I have an idea or issue I think a committee should hear?
There are always various opportunities to get involved with Inform USA and use your unique skills to enhance the field of I&R. In addition to the work of the committees, ad hoc groups are often created around particular topics, and members are alerted to these opportunities via the Inform USA Networker. 

What if I want to help, but there are no current openings?
Inform USA has no current committee openings, please get in touch with your Affiliate and offer to help on a state/regional level!

What are the committees and commissions?

Accreditation Commission: Provide guidance to the Inform USA Accreditation program including Accreditation Manual review; procedure development/program refinement; consultation for unique situations.

Certification Commission: Provide guidance and support to the Inform USA Certification Program by ensuring it remains relevant, fair, and operated according to accepted national guidelines for credentialing bodies.

Equity and Access Committee: Help ensure all Inform USA programs and services are representative of the membership and accessible to all.

Finance Committee: Learn more about association finances and offer counsel and insight around income and spending

Public Policy Committee: Work with Inform USA policy and advocacy contractor to learn more about issues important to the I&R industry and propose ideas for network response.

Database Curation Committee: Help review and support the needs of Resource Database Curators and the related needs of the Inform USA members at-large. 

Training Committee: Help ensure that the Taxonomy meets users' needs through a partnership with 211 LA County by providing coordinated support to the Taxonomy Editor and developing training and support for Taxonomy users.