Call for Nominations: Inform USA State Advisory Committee

Industry News, Inform USA Programs,

We are excited to announce the formation of the State Advisory Committee (SAC), a new initiative aimed at elevating the work of Inform USA member organizations across the United States. In addition to providing support, guidance, and feedback to the Inform USA Board of Directors on critical issues, the SAC will play an integral role in the Inform USA Grant Program, which launches in June. SAC members will assist in selecting grant recipients.

We are now seeking nominations for individuals to serve on the Committee.

Criteria for Nominations:
  • Nominees must be Platinum Members (through their employer) of good standing for at least one year before nomination.
  • Nominees must be permanent residents of the state wish to represent.
    SAC members should represent agencies with an interest in state or federal-level advocacy for Information and Referral (I&R).
  • Each state may have up to three representatives, provided each works in a distinct field within I&R.(e.g, Military, 211, Aging, Disability, etc).
  • States previously represented by affiliates may have their affiliate chairperson fill one of the available seats. However, they will still need to submit a nomination. States currently represented by affiliates will have their chairpersons serve.

Submit a Nomination

  • Nominations open: February 3 – February 14, 2025
  • Voting period: February 18 – February 28, 2025 (Each state will vote to elect its representatives.) 
  • Appointees contacted: By March 14, 2025
  • Virtual SAC gathering: April (exact date TBD)
  • In-person reception: May, during the Inform USA Conference
    • Newly elected representatives will be formally introduced during the Awards Luncheon.

  • Members must commit to attending quarterly virtual meetings.
  • SAC members serve a maximum of two consecutive two-year terms, with members appointed from former affiliate leaders initially serving one-year terms to allow for staggered membership.
  • SAC members will review Inform USA grant and scholarship applications and determine awardees through electronic voting.
  • SAC members will regularly provide updates on behalf of their state via electronic submission and virtual meetings on sector-level focus areas, including but not limited to:
    • Public Policy
    • Workforce Development
    • I&R Technology
    • I&R Best Practices
  • SAC members will be considered representatives for prospective and current Inform USA members who want to get involved in their State’s network of I&R providers.
  • The Inform USA Board of Directors may seek the counsel of the SAC to inform their decision-making process. 

Submit a Nomination

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at